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Lost Touch?
Shoreditch Technical
Institute, Coopers Hill Emergency Training College
Have you lost
touch with an old friend or colleague?
If you would like to try to contact
a former member of staff or student of Shoreditch, please e-mail
the following information to jill.sandwell@rogers.com
I will include the request in the next revision of
this page.
the name of the person you are trying to find
the approximate years he/she was at Shoreditch
his/her last known address
your name
your mailing address (optional)
your e-mail address
your phone number (optional)
please include "Lost Touch" in the subject header so I will know to include your message
on these pages and not in the Directory
Don't forget to look at the News and Views Page — you will find letters on various subjects there.
Is someone trying to find you? Please take a moment to check below
January 2009
email: stacy.aston@yahoo.co.uk
December 2008
My name is Peter Smith, I was a member of 78 year. I live in Chesterfield, Derbyshire and am still teaching Art and Design. David Middleton (humanities) another former student from 77 year lives up the road from me. Ian Buxton ( craft) 76 year I think is Deputy Head at The Bolsover School, Derbyshire
November 2008
I was a student at Shoreditch College from 1977-1980 and was one of the few females to follow Stuart Salts course on Tnter Disciplinary Handicrafts. I still teach part time and married a former student (Justin Donovan 78 year).
Yvette Donovan (nee Chandler) 1980
email: yvettedon@hotmail.co.uk
November 2008
Eva Barnes (née Sanders) La Bonnelière, St Paul en
Gâtine, France 79240
email: ebarnes@club-internet.fr
August 2008
Giday Jill,
By pure chance I stumbled on this Shoreditch web site. My name is Dave Silcox and I was at the Ditch from 1960 to 63. In 66 I left for New Zealand and have lived here ever since. For the first two years at the Ditch I shared a room in College block with Mick Edwards. We still phone each other regularly and always get together when My wife and I are in the U.K.[incidentally I met my wife at the Freshers`ball almost as soon as I arrived at the Ditch in 1960]. Mick Edwards still lives in Frome in Somerset. I occasionally catch up with Drew Down who left the Ditch in 1964.
During one of our visits to the U.K. we went up to the Ditch, we met members of the staff; when I enquired about people I had gone through with we were told that 1963 was too far back for any records to be kept. We were amused to be part of pre history.
Dave Silcox 1963 year
email: silcoxdh@ihug.co.nz
September 2008
Hi Jill,
Thanks for the reply, we have just returned from a month in England where we met up again with Mick Edwards and his wife. If anyone is interested in old motor bikes Dru Down gives a radio broadcast on Radio Cambridge on a Sunday.
August 2008
Hi Jill
I shall be visiting the uk in September, and will be in London from the 17 to 21 September.
I hope to visit the college on one of those days,and if anyone from the 1959 year is out there and would be interested in joining me for a visit please contact me by email.
Don Spencer (1959 year)
email: sec55@slingshot.co.nz
March 2008
John Bailey is hoping to organise a reunion on the day of the Goodbye Tour for 1960 Year ::
It is the 50th anniversary this year for my student year, 1960, to arrive at Shoreditch. I would like to make every effort to find as many as possible to attend the visit on April 19th. At the moment about half a dozen look possible.
email: John Bailey jhelides7b@onetel.com
November 2007
John Ricketts
email: tiana@parkfarmholidaycottages.co.uk (new email address Dec. 07)
(reposted because his email address was accidentally left out)
February 2007
Dear Madam ,
I live in Perth Western Australia and I am trying to find out
the history of my half brother John Richard Purton -- known
to me as JACK. He was a student of Shoreditch College and
I am trying to find out about his life. Can you help with any
information please.
What I do know is, that he died March 14th 1944 age 22 years while
serving as a sub lieutenant (A) with H.M.S.Saker., Royal Naval
Volunteer Reserve, His Remembrance with honor Lee-on-Solent
Memorial WW2. I have only one photo of him, Can you please offer
me any information. I would be most greatful.
yours truly
Raymond A Purton
email: purton2000@westnet.com.au
October 2007
Hello there!
My very good friend - and former mentor, Alan
Marshall, has drawn my attention to your/our website. I am a
'64 vstudent and, over the intervening years have written a number
of times to the college, and personally to then Bursar,
(Wilson? With a club foot?), asking if we had an
almumni, or an old boys' newsletter, - or
something, but never received even the courtesy of a
reply. So I assumed that, having gone to the Antipodes,
I was now classed as a leper and an untouchable. ( I do
remember once discussing a teaching appointment in the Channel Isles with
a member of the staff and he said that, "If you go to work
there this college will have nothing more to do with
you!"). So I reckoned that I was probably now
blacklisted by STC. But heck, there WERE good reasons
for my deserting UK! We had a ghastly domestic accident where
one of my daughters was maimed - and I had an overwhelming desire to get
as far away as possible from my (then) mother-in-law!!! So I became
a "Ten Pound Pom" and emigrated to Perth, West Australia
after teaching in UK for only 3 years. I played-out my full
working life teaching in these parts and retired at age 65. I am
now 78. Regrettably I did not do much teaching of "Manual
Arts" - as it is called out here. Most of my career was as a
TD and Maths teacher.
My address is:- Roger Dracup, 11 Kempenfeldt
Avenue, Sorrento, West Australia, 6020.
My e-mail
address is:-
I am quite happy to make contact with anyone who wants
intercourse with me. Alan Marshall has told me that there is a
Perth address in your www which, despite a cursory glance, I
have not managed to detect.
My 3 years 'in a Ditch' were most enjoyable and
memorable; a truly valuable experience which, obviously,
changed the direction of my life. I came to Shoreditch as a mature
student having previously served 2 years in a bank, followed by 13
years in the Colonial Police serving in Palestine and Kenya - combatting
terrorism in both countries for many years.
I have a few anecdotes which might be of interest. Our
History Lecturer, Ted Joy, a man for whom I had a great
respect and liking, once told us that history recorded that the first
person ever to be killed by a motor vehicle was killed at the gateway
entrance to STC. I can't remember the details, but it might be an
interesting bit of history.
One of the English lecturers, a Welshman by the name
of, I think, Thomas, once told me that the golden years
of STC were just after WW2 when all the students were ex servicemen - all
keen to excel, all mature students and all keen to get out and earm
money ASAP. He told me of one sports meeting when some
students, who were ex RAF, hired a Tiger Moth and came over
the venue and bombarded it from the air with flower bombs.
I was privileged to spend 2 weeks on the Foudroyant; a
great experience. I know nothing about the capstan. My
understanding is that Foudroyant was/is built of teak - NOT
the traditional oak. It was built in Trincomalee hartbour,
(Ceylon - now Sri Lanka), hence the teak. I forget what its
first name was but it was captured by Napoleon and re-named
Foudroyant, which means 'Thundering'. When Napoleon was
defeated we got it back and left the name unchanged. Your www
suggests that it has been refurbished and is still afloat in,
presumably, Gosport Harbour.
The STC Principal who took a chance on admitting me to the
hallowed halls of STC as a mature student without
even the barest of academic qualifications, was Ted Marshall.
He was the first to occupy that delightful new house by the college
gates. He died in harness and, as the college was on Easter vacation at
the time, and as I lived fairly close, I was asked to
represent the student body at the funeral. My wife was heavily
pregnant with twins at the time, (we arranged our pregnancies so
that the births would hopefully occur during vacation times so that I
could be at home and look after the other kids while worthy spouse was
confined!). The day was 10 April 1964 - a date I remember
well - a bright sunny spring day with hosts of golden daffodils
everywhere, and, as the coffin was coming in one door of the
church, the Bursar, Wilson?, was running down the aisle to
find me to tell me that my wife had just been taken to hospital.
So, as the coffin came in one door, I exited hastily through
another. My twins were born a few hours later at Guildford.
"Willy-bobs" took over as Principal. I
had a great love and respect for him, and he did me some good
services later on. I remember once when some students must have
climbed the 2 towers on either side of the entrance and had strung a
banner between the towers, proclaiming "NATIONAL WILLY-BOBS
WEEK'. I never worked out how they managed to do it; they must have
had mountaineering experience. Willy-bobs took it in good
Out here in Oz I dragged my 4 children kicking and screaming
into sailing. We did very well and won quite a few accolades -
culminating with one of my twins being chosen to represent Oz in the
World Championships, which were held that year in the Gulf of
Mexico. After that we tended all to be burnt-out with
sailing, so we all switched to the comparatively new sport of Triathlon
where, again, we all did fairly well. I represented Oz
5 times at World Championships and finally won the World Championship for
my age group in New Zealand in 1994. My 48 y.o. son and 2
grandchildren still compete at State level with considerable
success. I was awarded the ASM (Australian Sports
Medal), for my services to sport.
On the distaff side we have had some terrible
accidents, starting, of course, with the one which
part-caused us to emigrate in the first place. I have 3 daughters -
and they have all had broken spines - 2 from sky-diving and one from
'rolling' her MG. One of them, on her 13th jump, fell
6000 feet with both 'chutes failed. She did a lot of damage but has
lived a normal life ever since she recovered - that was 25 yearsago.
I was delighted to see the photos of the old place. We
were the first students to inhabit the new halls of residence. I thought
they were luxury. Three square meals a day - and all for
free. I loved it. On looking out of my window one morning I
found that the grass quadrangle was 'different'. I did a
double-take and realised that there were large 'candle-cactusses'
everywhere, and a few cows and other impedimenta. The boys
had raided a film set during the night and had brought their loot back to
Roger Dracup
October 2007
Terry White: Dai Williams:
their last address unknown
My Name: Keith Tracey
My address: 7128 Dale Road, Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada, V0N-3A8
My e-mail address: ktracey@dccnet.com
September 2007
I taught for 35 years in Wensleydale and Hagley W. Midlands. Now running my own business. See our website www.ashemcrafts.com
September 2007
My email has changed to m(at)sheehan2(dot)wanadoo(dot)co(dot)uk
<where (at) is replaced by @ and (dot) is replaced by . in both places, because of problems with spam email; if you click on the link it will translate automatically into the correct format>
Skype: thames.rower
Thank you
Mick Sheehan '73 Yr
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